Scribble, Design and Create

When you scribble something on a piece of paper and then turn it into a pair of earrings…

Paper quilling is an art in which you roll strips of paper to form different shapes and designs. Here in this video I use this art form to create a pair of earrings.

Unique Jewelry

I transform paper into jewelry using the art of paper quilling. My pieces are unique as I never repeat a design. I think I have made 75 pairs of earrings so far and all of them have been different. I love choosing different colors and designs for my jewelry. To view more of my jewelry click here.


Ever since I discovered the art of paper quilling last year, I have been enraptured by it. I think it’s amazing that you can take a strip of paper and make such amazing pieces of jewelry with it. There are literally hundreds of designs you can come up with based on different shapes and colors. I never repeat a design so I have only one of each in my online shop.

To be or not to be eager

When I think of a new design for a pair of earrings or a necklace I am always eager to start working on it.

The only problem is that I have to wait till my toddler takes a nap because otherwise it would be a nightmare trying to get any work done with her running around. She would try to pull the colorful strips of paper and run away with my tools. This is precisely why she is not allowed to come near my work table. Of course she doesn’t understand this. As soon as she gets a whiff of me doing my work she makes a dash for my table. Sometimes she will get under the table in a spot which is difficult for me to pull her out from. She is now tall enough to reach the hundreds of things on my table. She knows she just has to work her way around the table to reach whatever she wants.

To avoid this I just have to put my eagerness aside and wait for her to fall asleep.


It was very fortuitous that while I was browsing the internet one day, I discovered the wonderful art of paper quilling. Till then I had not even heard of it before. I studied a few tutorials and got started. In the beginning I made a picture with it and then later I made a pair of earrings.

Packing one of my orders

One of the challenges in making jewelry as compared to a picture is that in a picture you glue the quilled pieces to a cardpaper whereas in a pair of earrings the pieces need to be sturdy enough on their own. Also the two in a pair of earrings need to be identical. The quilled pieces are shaped by hand so sometimes it’s hard to make them identical.

A few of my friends abroad bought some of my jewelry and I shipped it to them. This got me familiar with the postal services and the rates. I had an exhibition at home and my jewelry was very popular among my friends. I also took part in a few craft fairs.

I opened my online shop on Etsy a few months back and am still reading about it and tweaking my settings to try to make it a success. In the meantime I am continuing to sell locally through fairs and interested acquaintances. It will be a dream come true if I can turn something I love doing into a successful business. I’m certainly going to try my best!

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