Scribble, Design and Create

When you scribble something on a piece of paper and then turn it into a pair of earrings…

Paper quilling is an art in which you roll strips of paper to form different shapes and designs. Here in this video I use this art form to create a pair of earrings.

Quilling humor

I quilled in the morning,

I quilled at night.

Teardrops, petals, diamonds;

I shaped them just right.

When at last my quilling was done,

My husband said to me,

You must be tired, I’ve cooked dinner,

Chicken with mushrooms and broccoli!

(In my dreams!!!)

Quilling pictures

I’ve made a lot of jewelry but lately I decided to diversify my product line. I’ve been making pictures with quilling and a bit of drawing based on Chinese landscapes. They usually include flowers and birds in the foreground made out of paper quilling and some background drawing. I buy picture frames to size for a finished look. Let me know in the comments what you think of these.

Friday Fictioneers: Shell Haven


When I first met her, she was wearing a shell necklace. “Shells were the homes of sea animals” she said, “they remind me of my lost home”.

She had fled her country as a child with her mother and younger brother and faced great danger to get here. Most of her family had perished. With sheer hard work, she had managed to make a life for herself, yet she exuded sadness that was present even when she smiled.

Several years later I read in the paper that she had opened an orphanage. She named it “Shell Haven”.

Word count: 98

View my handmade jewelry here.


Ever since I discovered the art of paper quilling last year, I have been enraptured by it. I think it’s amazing that you can take a strip of paper and make such amazing pieces of jewelry with it. There are literally hundreds of designs you can come up with based on different shapes and colors. I never repeat a design so I have only one of each in my online shop.

To be or not to be eager

When I think of a new design for a pair of earrings or a necklace I am always eager to start working on it.

The only problem is that I have to wait till my toddler takes a nap because otherwise it would be a nightmare trying to get any work done with her running around. She would try to pull the colorful strips of paper and run away with my tools. This is precisely why she is not allowed to come near my work table. Of course she doesn’t understand this. As soon as she gets a whiff of me doing my work she makes a dash for my table. Sometimes she will get under the table in a spot which is difficult for me to pull her out from. She is now tall enough to reach the hundreds of things on my table. She knows she just has to work her way around the table to reach whatever she wants.

To avoid this I just have to put my eagerness aside and wait for her to fall asleep.

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